
Shorefront Project Update January 2021

FAO of Arisaig residents and businesses – we have been disappointed to hear that our grant application to the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund has been unsuccessful. On the positive side purchase of the land from the MacMillan Trust has been completed and our planning application for the proposed scheme has been approved, without conditions, by the Highland Council. In addition we have received a grant of £1000 from the Co-op Bank to be spent on an accessible picnic table and interpretive signs.

As a community we are now faced with a choice – do nothing or do something. ACT would like to hear your views on whether to simply leave things as they are or to start a community DIY effort to improve the shorefront area. To this end we will be putting a simple survey question on our website. The poll will be active until the end of February. We appreciate that not everyone has online access and this is just a simple snapshot to gauge whether or not there is appetite for action. If there is, we will make sure there is consultation and involvement as the project moves forward.

If you have suggestions for action and/or would like to volunteer your time then please email us at We’d love to hear from you.