
Community Housing Project

ACT have been awarded development funding from the Scottish Land Fund and Rural Housing Fund for a feasibility study for new housing in the…

New Workshop and Car Park

The Land, Sea and Islands Centre has a new upgraded car park and work is underway on the multi-use workshop building.  The new car…

Arisaig Station Project

Arisaig Railway Station is the most Westerly station in Britain and is situated at an attractive viewing point above the village.  The historic station…

Arisaig Housing Survey

The Arisaig Community Trust has commissioned The Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust (HSCHT) to undertake an in-depth local analysis of housing need and future…

Annual General Meeting 2017

The Arisaig Community Trust AGM was held at the Astley Hall, Wednesday 15th November 2017. A new board was elected comprising Julie Gordon, Iain…

Butterfly and Moth Safari

Sunday’s Butterfly & Moth event at the Arisaig Land, Sea & Islands Centre was a great success, despite the relentless morning rain! About 25 people of…

Arisaig’s Midsummer Picnic

Sunday dawned dreich and overcast, but undeterred by a spot (or two) of rain, our gallant footballers took the pitch and played some pretty…